EMS Fund Drive...Did You Donate?
By Newsdesk
July 23, 2012

Dear Neighbor,

This year, as you develop your personal budget, I respectfully ask that you consider supporting The Berwyn Fire Company with a monetary donation. Your tax-deductible donation helps The Fire Company and its members invest in the best medical equipment and training. This is the same equipment and training that is utilized when the members of our community call 911. Please help ensure that The Berwyn Fire Company continues to provide top-notch emergency medical care for many years to come.

For the past 118 years, the Berwyn Fire Company has been there to protect you and your family should the unfortunate need for fire or rescue arise. For nearly half of that time, Berwyn's emergency medical services have also been there for you, ready to respond to any and all medical emergencies. In 2011, our First Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, Nurses and Doctors responded to 2,163 calls for help. Without a second thought, our volunteers and career staff answered these calls with professionalism and compassion. I hope that you may be just as eager to help us.

In addition to responding to over 2,100 emergency calls, Berwyn EMS proudly staffed many special events in 2011. These events included the 4th of July fireworks display at Tredyffrin's Wilson Farm Park, the Berwyn Victory Run and many local sporting events. Berwyn EMS is also celebrating an exciting anniversary this year. In September 2002, Berwyn established an Advanced Life Support (ALS) service. This added several highly experienced Paramedics, Pre-hospital Registered Nurses and a Pre-hospital Physician to our staff. The ALS program ensures that the highest level of pre-hospital care is available 24 hours a day to all of our residents. Berwyn's leadership will continually look at ways to improve our service through training and the use of the latest medical practices and technologies. However, the advances in care will not come without a price. Please help us continue to provide top-notch medical care by donating what you can to support The Berwyn Fire Company.

Thank you,

G. Christopher Griesser, NREMT-P
EMS Captain, Berwyn Fire Company

Did You Know?

> An EMT-Basic course consists of approximately 140 hours over a 3 month period and can cost around $400. A Paramedic course may consist of several thousand hours, take up to 2 years and cost in excess of $10,000.

> Of the many fire companies in Chester County, only five have around-the-clock Paramedic services. Berwyn is proud to say that we are included in this prestigious group.

> Berwyn has a specially trained Bicycle EMS Team. This 10 person team, which is equipped with many of the same medical supplies as an ambulance, is deployed during large scale events such as the 4th of July fireworks. The Bicycle EMS team's ability to quickly negotiate crowded areas in the event of an emergency makes it an invaluable asset to Berwyn Fire Company and to our community.

The official registration and financial information of Berwyn Fire Company may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.