BFC Leadership Present 2015 Budget
By Newsdesk
December 4, 2014

The Berwyn Fire Company (BFC) presented its 2015 Budget to the Easttown Township Board of Supervisors on Monday, October 20, 2014 and to the Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors on Monday, November 17, 2014. The Berwyn Fire Company has requested additional funding of $50,000 from each Township to go towards the cost of hiring one (1) additional full-time employee or an equivalent with part-time employees. Call volume trends and analysis have demonstrated the need for the additional paid staff position.

On December 1, 2014, the Easttown Township Board of Supervisors incorporated the full request amount of $50,000 into their preliminary budget plan as they move forward towards final approval later this month. The Board also discussed working to attain a sustainable funding stream that would benefit both the Berwyn and Paoli fire companies in 2015. This is a significant action made by Easttown officials and BFC is grateful for the additional support that will directly benefit the community.

The BFC leadership team has made an extra effort this year, to ensure the public and elected officials understand the actual amount of tax dollars that support the Berwyn Fire Company and its fire/EMS partners in both Townships. This is especially important in Tredyffrin Township, where there are three (3) fire companies, Berwyn, Paoli and Radnor, who serve the Township and provide both fire and EMS services. 

The Berwyn Fire Company, along with the other fire and EMS agencies serving the townships save taxpayers millions of dollars annually. However, the combined funding from both Townships makes up only 20% of the annual Berwyn operating budget. BFC is responsible for raising the balance of the funds needed to operate through EMS Billing, Donations, Grants and other revenue sources. 

We have attached the respective Township presentations that were made to both Townships at their public meetings for your review. The budget shows we are projecting a $297,000 deficit in 2015.

Based upon the feedback from elected officials and the community recently, the BFC enhanced its Tredyffrin presentation to outline the actual tax dollars spent on the fire companies. A high level review of the Tredyffrin budget could lead someone to conclude that over $1 million in taxpayer dollars are being provided to the Township fire companies. In reality, when the budget is broken down and clarified you would see that less than $500,000 of taxpayer dollars directly fund the fire companies. 

It would cost taxpayers in both Townships an estimated $1,880,000.00 in salaries and benefits alone to staff just one (1) Engine and one (1) Ambulance around the clock, if volunteers did not exist at the fire company. This figure does not include building, apparatus, operating and other costs associated with operating a fully paid fire/EMS department.

Please take a moment to review our Township presentations via SlideShare below. In the near term, we will continue to work towards securing a sustainable funding stream from both Townships. Our goals and needs include: the recruitment and retention of volunteers, construction of a new fire station to replace the current building that dates back to 1929, the potential to build a sub-station to better service the Chesterbrook and Glenhardie areas of Tredyffrin and the need to ensure adequate paid staffing around the clock.

The Township preliminary budgets can be viewed online at the links below:

Tredyffrin Township

Easttown Township

We encourage citizens to reach out to their elected officials in Tredyffrin Township and ask them to support our funding request to ensure adequate staffing levels for fire and EMS responses.

Phone: 610-644-1400


Please note the email address will email all of the Supervisors. We have also included their individual Township emails below.

Michael C. Heaberg, Chairperson

Kristen M. Mayock, Vice-Chairperson

Paul Olson, District 1 Supervisor

Evelyn 'EJ' Richter, District 2 Supervisor

John P. DiBuonaventuro, District 3 Supervisor

Murph Wysocki, At-Large Supervisor

Mark Freed, At-Large Supervisor

If you have any questions about the 2015 Berwyn Fire Company Budget, please contact President Nam D. Truong by email at or Fire Chief Eamon C. Brazunas by email at You may also call the fire station at 610-644-6050 ext. 11.