Members Participate in Specialized Rescue Training
By Newsdesk
September 29, 2016

This past weekend, members of the Berwyn Fire Company Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) and Confined Space Rescue Team conducted a day of specialized training at the Chester County Emergency Services Training Facility. Members began the day practicing lifelike Rapid Intervention Team scenarios. Often extremely taxing physically and mentally, the RIT Team’s objective is to be a fully equipped rescue team on scene and in a ready state to deploy for rescuing injured and trapped firefighters. Berwyn RIT Team members are frequently training to prefect these crucial skills.

Members then conducted Confined Space Rescue training, perfecting their skills in rope, knots, rigging, rescue, and confined space entry. Confined Space Rescue involves the rescue and recovery of victims trapped in a confined space or in a place only accessible through confined spaces, such as underground vaults, storage silos, storage tanks, or sewers. Berwyn Confined Space Rescue team members are also members of the Chester County Rescue Task force and have completed over 90 hours of training in this discipline.

This training highlights the commitment of Berwyn in being prepared for these types of incidents in Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships, along with having the ability to support our neighbors when called upon.